Puppy Socialization Classes are offered on:
Saturdays from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Puppies can attend for one or two hours each class.
You must be a Barklandia client to sign up for Puppy Socialization Classes. If you are not currently a client, you will need to register by clicking the button below. Once you have registered, you will get an email with directions on how to access the Owner Portal and add your pet to our system. You can then request to attend Puppy Socialization time through the Owner Portal, by email, or by giving us a call!
A Meet and Greet is NOT REQUIRED for Puppy Socialization
*Please be sure to note the required vaccinations listed below*
Please reach us at info@barklandia-pdx.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Puppies begin their critical stages of development from birth until they reach about 21 weeks of age. During this time they learn important socialization skills and proper play behavior with other dogs. Our classes are an off-leash indoor space for puppies to safely socialize with other age appropriate pups while they are still getting their required vaccines.
This is not a training session, though there will be experienced staff on hand to help encourage healthy play and keep the area clean of messes. This is also an opportunity for your puppy to become social, not just with other dogs, but people as well!
Saturdays: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
You can select 1 or 2 hours of Puppy Socialization time!
Puppy Socialization classes cost $15 for one hour or $25 for up to two hours. Cost is billed per hour.
You love your pets like family but, inevitably, there are times when they can’t be with you. You are your pup’s whole world! Being away from you can be extremely stressful when all they know is your company, love, and attention. Having a head start with a puppy playgroup will allow them an easier transition while you’re away, during grooming appointments, daycare, and vet visits. This experience will help your puppy gain confidence, establish good habits, and start the learning process of becoming a well-rounded pup!
Cleanliness and safety are of the utmost importance, especially when dealing with young immune systems. We use veterinary grade kennel cleaners and take extra special care before and after each puppy playgroup. Puppies in the group will only play and socialize with other puppies, however for the safety of all guests, all dogs that use our services are required to show proof of up-to-date vaccines* before they are admitted into the facility.
Puppies that are not fully vaccinated should not attend dog parks where the health of other dogs can not be regulated and verified. If your puppy is experiencing any vomiting, diarrhea, or symptoms of an upper respiratory infection (runny nose and eyes/coughing/hacking), please keep your puppy home and consult your veterinarian. The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB) highly recommends socializing a puppy before they are fully vaccinated as the benefits outweigh the minimal risk of contracting a disease in regulated puppy playgroups. Please note that you must TELL YOUR VET you will be socializing your puppy with other puppies or else they are likely to not administer the shots as needed.
6 - 8 weeks:
· Distemper
· Parvovirus
· Bordetella
· Leptospirosis - Required as soon as your vet recommends
10 - 12 weeks:
· DHLPP/ da2pp: 1st shot
16 - 18 weeks:
· DHLPP/ da2pp 2nd shot
· Rabies (no later than 6 months of age)
Strongly Recommended:
· Canine Influenza
Puppies must be at least 8 weeks old to begin puppy socialization (See vaccination requirements above). In general, many dogs are ready for daycare when they reach 4 months of age. However, depending on a dog's socialization history and / or other factors, some dogs may still attend puppy socialization up to 5 months of age.
We do not allow doggie parents to come into the lobby or the play floor. HOWEVER, we strongly encourage you to watch the fun through our live-streaming webcams!
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Our Paw-sitive Beginnings Package is specifically designed for puppies 8 weeks of age up to 20 weeks of age! We only use REWARDS-BASED training techniques that are designed to build trust and enhance the bond between you and your precious puppy!